Member Orientation Webinar

Join us for our monthly Member Orientation webinar, a program designed to provide the basics of Rotary for any member in CNY. Club leaders should share this opportunity with their clubs, especially with those who are newer to our organization and could benefit from this broad overview. We will hold this meeting on the fourth […]

CNY Rotary Learning Assembly

Hilton Downtown Albany

Join us for a free learning opportunity open to all members, but designed for incoming club leaders. The morning will include a warm breakfast, expertise from our CNY Rotary leadership team, and opportunities to connect with other volunteer leaders from across the region. Come for a half day of learning to help you prepare to […]

Conference of Champions

Hilton Downtown Albany

We hope you are marking your calendars so you can join us next April 4-6,2025 for our Conference of Champions at the Hilton Downtown Albany. We're planning a weekend of fun, engagement, and connection so you can leave energized and with the resources you need to thrive in Rotary. We are going to have a […]